This requirement is intended for the publication of scientific articles in the international peer-reviewed scientific journal “Shine of Sience” (herein after «Journal»), which is contains in the list of peer-reviewed scientific journals (publications) of the Republic of Tajikistan, and which publishes scientific materials on priority issues in various fields of science and the results of theoretical and practical research achievements of scientists.
The purpose of the Journal is to publish scientific materials developed in accordance with international scientific standards, scientific-research and publishing ethics. At the same time, the Journal makes scientific materials of internal and external scientists and researchers on the results of modern scientific research and the experience of its implementation available to a wide range of scientists and intellectuals.
Preparation of the manuscript
The title of the article should be in capital letters and with the full form of the author’s surname, name, family name, the name of the institution where the author of the article works. The article is written in Tajik, Russian or English by using the MS Word program (Times New Roman, TJ, size letter- 12, spacing – 1,5) and submitted in 2 printed copies on one side of an A4 sheet with a mandatory electronic copy. Standard fields are given, the numbering of citations in the text of the article in accordance with the citation order, cited sources at the end of the article. Starting with the first page, all pages should be numbered consecutively.
Illustrated material (photos, plans, diagrams) should be clear and numbered in accordance with the order of citation in the text. Diagrams in the form of a picture in the text and in an electronic version should be presented in separate files in Microsoft Office Excel format. The editorial office of the journal accepts original articles of 6-12 pages (from 0,5 to 1 conditional sheet or 40,000 signs) (in the social and humanitarian fields at least 10 pages). Material are offered in printed form in (1 copy) with electronic version («*doc» or«*rtf» format), its summary (annotation from 100 to 200 characters) and keywords (up to 10 words) in Tajik, Russian, English languages. If in the article are used other expression, the corresponding font should be attached in a separate file. Tables, pictures and other graphic materials should be saved in separate files in «*jpg» format and printed on separate sheets.
An example of literature prepare
The list of used literature should includes in alphabetical order at least 10 names of scientific literature. Preference will be given to the publication of articles that rely on the most recent published scientific sources and reliable sources.
Indicate the source of the quote in the text are [1, P. 112] or [3, P. 5-8] where the first number is the used source and the second number is the page;
Materials (articles) with the degrees of «confidential» or «for official use» won’t be published in the journal.
Information about the author
Information about the authors is provided in the following order in three languages (Tajik, Russian and English):
Surname, name, family name, academic degree and academic title (if there is), position and location of work, telephone and e-mail address.
Along with submitting the electronic version of the article, it must be to suppose the printed form.
The order of Review and publication
If the documents meet the established requirements of the journal, the articles are checked by the computer program "Antiplagiat". The originality of the material must be at least 70% (taking into account 15% citations). The authors and reviewers are responsible for the accuracy and reliability of the content of the article.
An article that is rejected for publication by the reviewers for the second time is excluded from further consideration by the editorial board of the journal and is not recommended for publication.
The article is considered accepted for publication only after a positive review and approval by the editorial board members. Articles published in other publications are not accepted. If necessary, the editorial board has the right to shorten the article to the required size. After publication, the article is placed in international scientific databases.